This chapter describes ISAKMP messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.
IKE.001 |
Level: P_TRACE
Short Syntax: IKE.001 Trace IKE packet string ipaddress
Long Syntax: IKE.001 Trace IKE packet string ipaddress
Description: ISAKMP packet tracing.
IKE.002 |
Level: P_TRACE
Short Syntax: IKE.002 Trace IKE payload string Peer: ipaddress
Long Syntax: IKE.002 Trace IKE payload string Peer: ipaddress
Description: ISAKMP packet tracing.
IKE.003 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: IKE.003 Processing messageID
Long Syntax: IKE.003 Processing messageID
Description: Indicates which message is being processed.
IKE.004 |
Short Syntax: IKE.004 Error errorMessage
Long Syntax: IKE.004 Error errorMessage
Description: Error message
IKE.005 |
Short Syntax: IKE.005 Error errorMessage integer
Long Syntax: IKE.005 Error errorMessage integer
Description: Error message with one integer parameter
IKE.006 |
Short Syntax: IKE.006 Error errorMessage integer integer
Long Syntax: IKE.006 Error errorMessage integer integer
Description: Error message with two integer parameters
IKE.007 |
Short Syntax: IKE.007 IKE unable to get mem: location
Long Syntax: IKE.007 IKE unable to get memory: location
Description: IKE was unable to allocate the necessary memory IKE is unable to run because of this.
Cause: There is a shortage in heap memory, possibly because too many memory intensive forwarders/protocols are running.
Action: Disable unnecesary forwarders/protocols or get more memory.
IKE.008 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: IKE.008 Load direction SA: Alg= algorithm Prot= protocol Sec= lifeSeconds KB= lifeSize SPI= spi
Long Syntax: IKE.008 Load Ipsec direction SA: Alg= algorithm Proto= protocol LifeSec= lifeSeconds LifeKB= lifeSize SPI= spi
Description: Notification of injection of ipsec sa by ike
IKE.009 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: IKE.009 Begin
Long Syntax: IKE.009 Begin
Description: Indicates which state or function is being entered.
IKE.010 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: IKE.010 Finished
Long Syntax: IKE.010 Finished
Description: Indicates which state is being exited.
IKE.011 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: IKE.011 Message
Long Syntax: IKE.011 Message
Description: Info message with one string parameter
IKE.012 |
Short Syntax: IKE.012 Error errorMessage long
Long Syntax: IKE.012 Error errorMessage long
Description: Error message with one long parameter
IKE.013 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: IKE.013 Info
Long Syntax: IKE.013 Info
Description: Info message for string variable
IKE.014 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: IKE.014 Message address
Long Syntax: IKE.014 Message address
Description: Info message with one address parameter
IKE.015 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: IKE.015 Info Message
Long Syntax: IKE.015 Info Message
Description: Info message with one integer parameter
IKE.016 |
Short Syntax: IKE.016 Info Message
Long Syntax: IKE.016 Info Message
Description: Info message with one string parameter
IKE.017 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: IKE.017 Info message long
Long Syntax: IKE.017 Info message long
Description: Info message with two long parameters
IKE.018 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: IKE.018 IKE Public Key module init status. Exit point: fun_name code
Long Syntax: IKE.018 IKE Public Key module init status. Exit point: fun_name code
Description: The status of IKE public key module initialization
IKE.019 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: IKE.019 IKE signature private key signing status
Long Syntax: IKE.019 IKE signature private key signing status
Description: The status of IKE signature private key sign
IKE.020 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: IKE.020 IKE signature public key verification status
Long Syntax: IKE.020 IKE signature public key verification status
Description: The status of IKE signature public key verification
IKE.021 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: IKE.021 IKE signature status
Long Syntax: IKE.021 IKE signature status
Description: The status of IKE signature matching
IKE.022 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: IKE.022 Info message string integer string integer
Long Syntax: IKE.022 Info message string integer string integer
Description: Info message
IKE.023 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: IKE.023 Info message integer
Long Syntax: IKE.023 Info message integer
Description: Info message with two integer parameters
IKE.024 |
Short Syntax: IKE.024 errorMessage address
Long Syntax: IKE.024 errorMessage address
Description: error message with one address parameter
IKE.025 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: IKE.025 Info message
Long Syntax: IKE.025 Info message
Description: Info message with one long parameters